One Victorian Lace Cuff Down ... One To Go

The first cuff has been finished!  While the knitting is over, and it's going to hang out for it's other half to be knit and then blocked and sewn up together (so as not to get lonely).  I was thinking that i might want to do these double layered...  A lot of the cuffs from the 19th century i've seen have been single layer, but often in the fashion plates from the 19th century they are double layered or even more.  I'm guessing it adds to the flounce and opalescence of the beautiful lace accessories.  We'll start with one layer as we can always add more.

FO: Victorian Lace Cuff

A couple of lace cuffs i've been admiring online...
Left - Victorian Irish Lace Cuffs (Lace and Lawn Fabric with 3 pintucks along the edge)
Right - Black Lace Cuffs (Tatting?)


A couple of different Cuff style bracelets that are inspiring



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