New Life to Drop Spindle Spinning

I've taken the classes, sat there for hours on end, but just never really got into drop spindle spinning.  While at the Taos Fiber festival there were BEAUTIFUL spindles from Woolly Designs.  At first i looked.  The next day i tried a bottom whirl drop spindle.  OMG, i loved it!  I picked up a heavier spindle then i currently have (1.9 ozs).  Between the low whirl and the extra weight something just clicked and i've been doing a bit each day since.

I am really enjoying my new purchase, and at just $40 it was within the budget even after the 6 lbs of roving (can't wait for it all to arrive in the mail).

I've been spinning everywhere, ncluding spinning at the Airport in Alburquerque while waiting for my flight.  An older gentelman walked by while i was spinning and said "She's making a kite!".  I'm not quite sure where this came from...


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